Are you looking to borrow a projector, a screen, or other equipment? Our media services department can help!
You can borrow:
Make sure to return the equipment when the loan period is over. Thank you!
Call the media reference desk at 973-285-6979.
Ask for the piece of equipment of your choosing. Specify if the request is for use "in-house" - at the library or "out-of-house" - not at the library.
Give the librarian your name, phone number, and the barcode on your library card. You’ll be given seven days with the equipment of your choosing.
Talk to our Music and Media Reference librarian.
Give us your name, phone number, and library barcode to return the equipment.
Please return the equipment to the reference desk.
Note: We prefer that you make your request over the phone. However, if you’re already at the library and want to make a request, you’re welcome to go to the Music and Media Reference Desk and talk to the librarian.