The Well by Jake Wyatt, illustrated by Choo

Published on June 13, 2022

The Well Book Cover.jpg
Reviewed by Jayde Valosin


Li-zhen, called Lizzy, lives with her grandfather, helping to tend their livestock and sell their goods at the local markets. She did not know her father, nor her mother or grandmother, who were great witches sent to rid their seas of its evil monsters and who died in the process when Lizzy was very young. When Lizzy is sent to the market alone one day, Ah-gong tells her she can spend any extra money she has on herself, as long as she brings back enough to get them through the winter. Though she means well, Lizzy accidentally spends too much and decides to repay her debt with coins stolen from a wishing well. Now cursed, she must grant the three wishes she stole or be doomed to the sea forever.
The Well by Jake Wyatt is a gorgeously illustrated fantasy graphic novel. The writing perfectly captures Lizzy's struggles, and her bravery even in the face of her own reluctance to undertake her quest and her misunderstandings about why she must do what the well is asking of her. The story moves quickly, and there are a few twists that keep up a sense of mystery and adventure. The limited color palette helps to give clues about the mood of each scene. A great read!


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