The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

Published on July 01, 2022

The Agathas Book Cover.jpg
Reviewed by Jayde Valosin


Alice Ogilvie has her reasons for taking off last summer, disappearing for five days before popping back up with no explanation. Iris has her reasons for agreeing to tutor Alice, and for accepting the monetary reward that goes along with it. The two are decidedly not friends- Iris can't stand Alice's stuck up group, and Alice barely knows who Iris is. Everything changes when Alice's former best friend goes missing from a party that Alice decided to crash, and Iris is the last person to have seen her. The two agree to investigate the crime, using Agatha Christie as their sleuthing inspiration. Before they learn what really happened, they'll need to learn a lot about what's been holding them back, and how to work together to move forward.
The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson is an interesting mystery with even more intriguing characters. The book does red herrings well and, while the eventual conclusion of the mystery might seem obvious in hindsight, you would never guess it as you read the story through. Both Alice's and Iris' backstories are detailed and emotional, making the characters feel extremely real throughout. Side characters provide much of the book's humor, and a hopeful ending leaves room for more installments of Alice and Iris' detective journey. 


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